Thursday, 7 November 2013


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             Basic Java Learning Tutorial for Fresher
                                                    CORE JAVA

Why Java ?


Diff b/w Java &Other (C,C++)

Java history

Java features

Java programming format

Java Tokens

Java Statements

Java Data Types







Static Keywords


This Key Word


Super Key Word

Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)



Abstract Classes




String Buffer

String Tokenizer


Introduction to all predefined packages

User Defined Packages

Access Specifiers



Pre Defined Exceptions


Throws, throw

User Defined Exception examples



Thread Creations

Thread Life Cycle

Life Cycle Methods  


Wait() notify() notify all() methods



Byte-oriented streams

Character – oriented streams


Random-access file




Socket, Server socket

Client –Server Communication



Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean classes.



Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map

List interface 7 its classes

Set interface & its classes

Map interface & its classes



Member inner class

Static inner class

Local inner class

Anonymous inner class







Individual components Lable, Button, CheckBox, Radio Button,

Choice, List, Menu, Text Field, Text Area


Introduction Diff b/w awt and swing

Components hierarchy


Individual Swings components Jlabel,

JButton, JTextField, JTextAres.

                                               ADVANCE - JAVA
1. Introduction
2. Jdbc Architecture
3. Types of Drivers
4. Statement
5. ResultSet
A.Read Only ResultSet
B.Updatable ResultSet
C.Forward Only ResultSet
D.Scrollable ResultSet
6. PreparedStatement
7. Connection Modes
8. SavePoint
9. Batch Updations
10. CallableStatement
1. Introduction
2. Web application Architecture
3. Http Protocol & Http Methods
4. Web Server & Web Container
5. Servlet Interface
6. GenericServlet
7. HttpServlet
8. Servlet Life Cycle
9. ServletConfig
10. ServletContext
11. Servlet Communication
1. Servlet-Browser communication
1. sendError
2. setHeader
3. sendRedirect
2. Web-component Communication
1. Forward
2. Include
3.Servlet-Applet Communication
12. Session Tracking Mechanisms
1. HttpSession
2. Cookies
3. URL-Rewriting
4. Hidden-Form Fields
13.Filters & Wrappers
1. Introduction
2. Jsp LifeCycle
3. Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes
4. Jsp Directives
5. Jsp Scripting Element
6. Jsp Actions
1.Standard Actions
1. useBean tag
2. setProperty tag
3. getProperty tag
4. include tag
5. forward tag
6. param tag
7. plug-in tag
8. params tag
9. fallback tag
10. directives tag
11. scriptlet tag
12.expression tag
2.Custom Actions
1. Classic Tags
2. Simple Tags
7. JSTL & Tag Library
1. MyEclipse
1. Tomcat
2. Weblogic
1. Oracle

Duration: 2 months ( Daily Two hours )



Enterprise Application

System logical layers

Presentation layer

Business processing layer

Data Storage and access layer

System Architecture

1-tier Architecture

2-tier Architecture

n-tier Architecture

Types of EnterpriseApplications

Web Applications

Distribute Applications

WebApplication Models



MVC Architecture& its Rules & Regulations


Web Framework

Application Framework

Struts Framework History

Struts Flow of Execution
Struts Elements





Action class


Struts Configuration File

Struts Tag Library

Html Tag library

Bean Tag library

Logic Tag library

Nested Tag library

Tiles Tag library

              DynaActionForm & LazyDynaBean

Local Forwards & Global Forwards

Client Side Validations

Programmatic Approach

Declarative Approach
(Validator Framework)

Server Side Validations

Programmatic Approach

Declarative Approach
(Validator Framework)


I18N at Core level




I18N at Weblevel(Server & Jsp)

JSTL format tags

I18N in Struts

Exception Handling in Struts

Programmatic Approach

Declarative Approach

Custom Exceptions in Struts

Customization on ExceptionHandler

Tiles Frame work :
Built-in Actions in Struts









Struts 2.x

Diff b/w Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x

Struts 2.x Flow of Execution

Struts 2.X Elements

Steps to design Struts Appl. In 2.x version

Struts 2.x Tag library

Struts 2.x Application with Annotation

Struts 2.x Validations

Database : Oracle

Servers:Tomcat & Weblogic

IDE’s: MyEclipse, NetBeans


Duration: 2 Months (Daily one and half hour)
1. Advantages of Hibernate compared to JDBC
2. Introduction.
3. ORM (Object Relational Mapping)
4. Configuration xml file and Mapping xml file along with dtds.
5. Hibernate architecture
6. Installation and Directory Structure
7. Hibernate Data Types.
8. First Application using Hibernate.
9. Hibernate API
10. CRUD operations
11. Primary key Generators
12. Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
13. Native SQL
14. Criteria API
15. Inheritance in Hibernate
16. Relations
(one to one, one to many, many to one, many to many)
17. Caching
18. Connecting with Multiple Databases
19. Integrating Hibernate with Servlets and Struts
20. Hibernate Annotations
Design Patterns :-
Core Design Patterns

Factory Method Design Pattern

Singleton Design Pattern

Synchronized Singleton Design Pattern

Factory Design Pattern

Template Design Pattern

Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Builder Design Pattern

Command Design Pattern

Fast Line Reader Design Pattern

Proto Type Design Pattern

DTO/VO Design Pattern

Adaptor Design Pattern

Inversion of Control/Dependency injection

WEB-Tier Design Patterns

MVC Design Pattern

Front Controller Design Pattern

Intercepting Filter Design Pattern

View Helper Design Pattern

Composite View Design Pattern

Application Controller Design Pattern

Integration Design Patterns

Business Delegate Design Pattern

Service Locator Design Pattern

Model Layer Design Patterns/EJB Design Patterns

Session Façade Design Pattern

Message Façade Design Pattern

EJB Home Factory Design Pattern

DAO (Data Access Object) Design Pattern

DAO Factory Design Pattern

XML With Web Services
Standards and Technologies


What is SOA?

Service Orientation

Business Process Vs Service.

Choreography of Services.

Java Web Services and technologies

XML – Extensible Markup Language
DTD–DocumentType Definitions.
XSD – XML Schema Document.
XSLT – XML Style sheet transformation.

XML Processing APIs

Simple Type API for XML (SAX)
Document Object Model (DOM)
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
Java API for XML Binding (JAXB)
Java API for XML Remote Procedure call (JAX - RPC)


Primary elements in a WSDL document
Abstract and concrete definitions in a WSDL document
Messaging modes for web services
XML schema in a WSDL document
Web Service Endpoints and Clients


Use of SOAP in web services
Primary elements of a SOAP message
Transmission of binary data in a SOAP message
Extensibility features of SOAP
Role of message handlers
Messaging styles in a SOAP message
Encoding styles in a SOAP message
Protocol binding of a SOAP message

Functions of the UDDI registry
Elements of a UDDI registry
UDDI APIs Overview.


Choosing a Communication Technology
Web services based client applications
Developing client applications
Exception Handling.

SOAP With Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)
Relationship between SAAJ and DOM
Create and manipulate a SOAP message
Create and manipulate a SOAP message with attachments.
REST Ful Web Services.WS –I Profiles.Design Patterns in Web Services.

Digital Signatures
Authentication and Authorization
Message – Level web services security.

                                             SCJP ( OCLP )
Duration: 2 Months (Daily Two hours)
Language Fundamentals
Declarations and Access Control
Flow Control
Exception Handling
Garbage Collections
java.lang Package: String,StringBuffer, StringBuilder,Wrapper Classes,Object,Autoboxing package
Collections Framework
Inner Classes
Development * Regular Expressions * enum

Syllabus :-
Synchronous Communication
Asynchronous communication
Introduction to Ajax
Classic web applications Architecture
Ajax based web applications architecture
Ajax engine creation
Properties of Ajax engine
Methods of Ajax engine
Ajax application flow
Sample examples
                                            MIS Executive
Content :
MIS Executive Job Description
Responsibilities Duties
Work Environment
Job Description for an MIS Coordinator
Job Functions and Features
Job Functions and Features
Why Study Management Information Systems?
Advantages& Disadvantages Of Information Management Systems
Better Planning and Control
Aid Decision Making
Constant Monitoring Issues
Job Description for MIS Manager
Main Duties
General Duties
Person Specification for MIS Manager

Resume Writing steps : ( for 1-2 Yrs Exp)


                                 MIS Executive
                                                                               - Mani

Management Information Systems executive - i.e., a boss over an IT department.



The term Management Information System (MIS) first came about when computers started to permeate daily business, forcing business managers and operators to rely heavily on computers for general business operations. Management information systems first appeared in business environments in the 1960s with the advent of mainframe computers. Mainframe computers brought a computing ability to businesses that had yet to have many management processes automated. Since then, technology has grown at a rapid pace; now, computers and computing abilities are found at all levels of business. This availability helps support the premise behind MIS.


Management information systems allow managers and business operators to automate business processes, which allows for tighter control and more efficient operations. For example, without accounting and human resource software and applications, a business would need to manually calculate payroll, withheld taxes, quarterly tax payments and insurance premiums on a weekly basis per employee. MIS makes weekly payroll into an automated process that networks with other applications. For weekly payroll, once time sheets or employee work hours are entered, the applications automatically determine each employee's pay, write a check or make an automatic deposit, allot funds for taxes and perform various other accounting and human resource functions.

The payroll example is just one process within a business. The significance of MIS lies in the automation and interrelation of the multiple processes a business incurs on a daily basis, enabling the business to run more efficiently and effectively.


Management information systems benefit business operations as specific company information may affect multiple departments. In general, information is provided and utilized by every department of a business.MIS, these various departments are individually and collaboratively able to compile and analyze this data throughout the company, making MIS a major tool in company management.
Additionally, MIS allows for information from various departments to be compared to each other. For example, the human resource department utilizes and examines information within the production department, such as hours worked per production line, production-related accidents and pay rates for workers on the production line. This information can then be used to determine company policies or influence future business actions.


A management information system is any system that collects, stores, analyzes, gathers, manages and manipulates data that is relevant to business and operations. As such, there are various subset specialties within management information systems. Some areas of MIS include database development and management, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), data collection and storage, and accounting systems. As needed, a user can gain a macro view of the business' management system by viewing these information management systems as one comprehensive system through an MIS.


The primary effect of management information systems has been the organization of the various systems and technologies used in business operations. Technology has changed business in every way imaginable; processes and procedures that were once completely manual are now affected by technology in one way or another. IT departments and technology are relied upon heavily to run all types and sizes of business; management information systems offer a way to connect technological components and keep them organized and working together.

MIS Executive Job Description

Management Information Systems (MIS) executives are essential to today's businesses. Computer systems must run efficiently at all times since most business operations rely on these technologies. Highly skilled MIS executives are in demand, and therefore earn, on average, six-figure salaries.


MIS executives typically need at least a bachelor's degree in a computer-related study. Employers prefer candidates with MBAs for executive positions. Some candidates with associate degrees can attain executive-level positions with substantial experience in the industry.
  • Responsibilities

    • MIS executives manage the information technology resources for their businesses. They oversee other MIS staff and assign tasks and projects accordingly. They manage the security and availability of data services, and measure the performance of computing systems and implement upgrades when necessary. MIS executives must maintain these information systems within the established IT budget.



    An MIS Manager oversees an IT department, which includes network management, software development, and network security. They plan computer-related work for firms and research software and new technologies which make job processes more efficient and are beneficial to the end-user. Planning and managing large IT projects are typical, with team members who consist of outside vendors and employees from different departments with the organization.


    • MIS managers can find employment with an associate's or technical degree, but to aid in advancement, a bachelor's or graduate degree are often pursued. Typically, this entails a four year degree in a computer related field, with core classes in computer science, programming or computer engineering. An MBA with a computer science concentration is an alternative track. MIS programs are often part of the business school, so finance, statistics, and marketing classes could also be part of the curriculum. 
    Work Environment
    • The MIS coordinator typically works 40 hours a week but can be on 24-hour call for emergencies. The MIS coordinator can be required to make off-site visits regarding systems and information systems operations connected with the company or organization.


    Job Description for an MIS Coordinator

    • A management information systems coordinator is responsible for planning, directing and coordinating information system services. The MIS coordinator typically reports to an MIS director, chief information officer or chief executive officer.

    Job Functions and Features

    • The MIS coordinator is responsible for researching new technologies, including hardware, software or telecommunication components, to improve efficiency with the information systems operational structure. The coordinator assists with creating specifications for system and software upgrades, and with purchasing and leasing of information systems equipment. The MIS coordinator also supervises the installation of new systems.

    Job Functions and Features

    • The MIS coordinator is responsible for researching new technologies, including hardware, software or telecommunication components, to improve efficiency with the information systems operational structure. The coordinator assists with creating specifications for system and software upgrades, and with purchasing and leasing of information systems equipment. The MIS coordinator also supervises the installation of new systems.

    Why Study Management Information Systems?

    • Studying management information systems can provide you with essential knowledge to ensure that your company manages information systems with the highest level of efficiency. In recent years, information technology in various industries has evolved substantially. This technological boom allows creation, storage and transmission of information.


    • Informational systems have become a pivotal feature in contemporary business. Understanding the management practices associated with informational technology can make you an instant commodity for innovative companies. In today’s world, it is essential to manage the storage, transmission and analysis of information. Studying the management of informational systems allows you to understand the demands put on employees and practical ethical challenges that may arise in the future.
    • Studying management information system is going to make you understand the role of information technology in the company. The kind of IT programs that your company use may affect the decisions that you make in the structure and strategies of your organization and customer relationships. With your background on key concepts in MIS, you will be able to strategically use control and implement modern information systems that include business software.


    • When you take a Management Informational Systems course, you will acquire essential problem solving, organizational and communication skills highly needed by IT-dependent companies. You will develop technical skills focused on building simple software applications. You will also cultivate management skills needed to manage and discern the effectiveness of different business processing software.


    • Many employers require a formal college degree as a prerequisite for the job. If you have a degree in MIS, you could start your career as a computer support specialist. This position entails providing technical support to others who are dependent on information technology. Graduates with MIS background are eligible to work as network architecture and network designer. Depending on your work performance and experience, an MIS degree can help you climb the senior ladder and become a project manager and chief information officer. You can also choose to pursue freelance consulting privately.


    • Studying MIS allows you to work in computer systems centered firms. It also gives flexibility, as you can be employed in different industries such as administrative companies, insurance and financial firms, government entities, schools, telecommunications and healthcare organizations. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that industries that depend heavily on IT will have the most rapid job growth. Several industries such as software publishing, technical consulting and even healthcare will need to employ individuals with IT and MIS background to improve overall work efficiency.

    Advantages & Disadvantages Of Information Management Systems

    Modern businesses have been leveraging management information systems (MIS) to manage, order, organize and manipulate the gigabytes and masses of information generated for various purposes. MIS helps businesses optimize business processes, address information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take informed strategic decisions. However, budget allocation and monitoring issues can affect the efficacy of MIS. It has its advantages and disadvantages depending on organizational deployment and usage.


    • Management information systems have changed the dynamics of running businesses efficiently. Decentralization is one of the biggest advantages; it allows monitoring of operations at low levels and frees up resources for departmental managers to devote time to strategic activities. Coordination of specialized projects and activities is much better and decision makers in the organization are aware of issues and problems in all departments. Another advantage of MIS is that it minimizes information overload, which can be quite common with conventional businesses in the modern era.

    Better Planning and Control

    • MIS has to be designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information, monitors the company's activities and operations and enhances communication and collaboration among employees. This ensures better planning for all activities and better ways to measure performance, manage resources and facilitate compliance with industry and government regulations. Control helps in forecasting, preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and vital information to employees, top management and business partners.

    Aid Decision Making

    • The purpose of MIS is to generate synthesized and processed information from computerized/automated and certain manual systems. Information distribution to all levels of corporate managers, professionals and key executives becomes quite seamless with streamlined MIS. Managers are able to make quick, timely and informed decisions. Top management and board members can take strategic decisions, plan future growth and business expansion activities based on the data and information generated by MIS.


    • Depending on organization deployment, usage and extraneous factors, some disadvantages related to Management Information Systems can come to the fore. Allocation of budgets for MIS upgrades, modifications and other revisions can be quite tricky at times. If budgets are not allocated uniformly or as per immediate requirements, key functionalities might get effected and benefits might not be realized consistently. Integration issues with legacy systems can affect the quality of output and vital business intelligence reports.

    Constant Monitoring Issues

    • Change in management, exits or departures of department managers and other senior executives has a broad effect on the working and monitoring of certain organization practices including MIS systems. Since MIS is a critical component of an organization's risk management strategy and allied systems, constant monitoring is necessary to ensure its effectiveness. Quality of inputs into MIS needs to be monitored; otherwise consistency in the quality of data and information generated gets effected. Managers are not able to direct business, operational and decision-making activities with the requisite flexibility.

    Job Description for MIS Manager

    Job Title: MIS Manager

    Responsible to : Finance and Resources Manager

    Responsible for : e-Learning Developer, MIS Administrators
    Location :

    Grade :
    Hours :

    Job Aim : To manage and maintain college management information systems and to ensure their effective use.

    Main Duties:
    • To manage and maintain computerised records of students and courses; enrolment, induction, and timetables.
    • To provide accurate and timely information as required for college management and external returns.
    • To manage the input and output of ILR data (individual Learning Records), ensuring external deadlines are met and internal reports are produced.
    • To liaise with the relevant parties to ensure that the college’s computerised systems are managed and maintained effectively.
    • To advise staff on methods of accessing information and to provide in-house training for staff in the use of MIS systems and other computerised systems as appropriate.
    • To write and maintain a set of reports to meet the needs of all college staff and to develop a web based reporting system across the college.
    • To supervise and delegate work to the MIS Administrator and e-Learning Developer as appropriate and ensure that appropriate quality standards are met.
    • To develop new systems to respond to the changing needs of the college.
    • To ensure that MIS data is accurate and robust ensuring that reports are accessible and to all staff.
    • To advise the college on MIS issues and the implications of funding and all funding changes
    • To ensure MIS service level agreements are set and reviewed annually.
    • To liaise with auditors where necessary on any area of MIS.

    General Duties:

    The postholder will be required to:
    • perform any other duties as may be reasonably requested by the Principal.
    • participate in appraisal and professional development as appropriate.
    • carry out their duties with due regard to the college’s policies on equal opportunities, health and safety and quality assurance.

    This job description will be kept under review and may be amended from time to time, following consultation with the postholder, to reflect changing organisational needs.

    Resume Writing steps : ( for 1-2 Yrs Exp)


    • Having XXXX years of experience as Data Processing Executive with excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
    • Expertise includes Data cleansing, manipulation & validation using MS Excel.
    • Presenting the results with charts/graphs and Pivot tables.
    • Analyze, interpret and model data as per the requirement of the clients.
    • Very good at Pivot tables , Excel Functions and Shortcuts.
    • Data extractions using Excel.
    • Creating dashboards using Excel.
    • Creating charts for easy representation of complex summary tables.




    Comprehensive problem solving abilities, Interested to learn new concepts and applying them to solve problems.

    Event organizer in all school and college functions.
    Participated in school and college level debate competitions and received applauds.
    Have participated in various computer and technology related quizzes and
    sketching events.
               Have won the business quiz event at XXXXXX College.


    Good team worker and flexible to take up any responsibilities.

    • Work with positive attitude to contribute the healthy functioning of the organization.


    • Currently working as XXXXXXXXXX Executive at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Location XXXXXXX from XXXXX to XXXXXXXX date.

    PROJECT : 

    Client : XXXXXXXXX, India.

    Project Title : XXXXXXXXXXX.
    Technologies : MS Excel, Pivot Tables, PowerPoint.

    I was responsible for :

    • Making datasets in excel by consolidating the raw data ranges.
    • Performed data cleansing, data manipulation and data transformation.
    • Managing data by using Excel functions.
    • Handling the ad-hoc requests from the Client Services team.
    • Generating pivot tables, charts.
    • PowerPoint presentations on monthly basis for high end clients.
    • Creating new variables using excel functions.
    • Nesting of excel functions with lookup and If statements.
    Involve in validating the reports before sending it to the business team.

    Other Interests:
    • Like to read informational books, articles and magazines that lay emphasis on
    current changing environment and future trends.
    • Passionate about cricket and games.

    Social service:
    • Have been a working member for the social service cell in the school
    • Have been on a rural exposure trip to Nalgonda to experience the rural life and
    living environment of the locals for couple of days.

    Ex :
    Experience required for the Job:1-2 years
    Job Location:Bengaluru/ Bangalore

    Dear Candidate,

    We have opening for MIS please send me your updated resume.

    Client : Wipro Technologies
    Location : Bangalore
    JD :
    Good experience with MIS (Excel)
    Advance excel VLOOkup, Pivot experience


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